Airservices Australia announces new Noise Action Plan for Brisbane flightpath options to reduce aircraft noise

Aerial photograph of Brisbane airport runways at dusk

Airservices Australia is today releasing its preferred flightpath designs to reduce aircraft noise over several Brisbane communities.

These proposed flightpaths were developed following Airservices’ extensive engagement with the community and industry over the past 12 months.

The flightpath changes, which form part of our Noise Action Plan for Brisbane, include:

  • Changes to flightpaths off the Legacy Runway over Moreton Bay to reduce the noise impact of Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS) on the Redlands community.
  • This SODPROPS change, and other actions being progressed, will now see SODPROPS become the priority mode 24/7 – subject to weather and operating conditions – instead of only night-time use.
    This will now also result in communities close to Brisbane Airport benefitting from greater use of SODPROPS mode where aircraft fly over Moreton Bay when arriving or departing Brisbane Airport, rather than aircraft flying over the city.
  • Following city-wide community engagement in April and May 2023, Airservices has designed flightpaths to be higher over the Redlands community to further reduce aircraft noise impacts. This will mean aircraft, where they cross the coastline, will operate above 11,000ft – as opposed to the current 8,000-10,000ft operations.

The Greater Brisbane community is being urged to have a say on these proposed new flightpath options at the latest round of Noise Action Plan for Brisbane community engagement sessions (including online sessions) being held across Brisbane from June 4-18.

Community feedback on this and other flightpath change options is open until July 14. Visit here for more details.

“Airservices wants to reach as many people as possible, through our community and online sessions to get direct feedback on the new flightpaths,” said Airservices Australia Head of Community Engagement Donna Marshall.

“We are dedicated to closely working with the community. We are listening to and proactively consulting with noise-impacted residents.

“We also want to ensure this is a transparent process, which demonstrates our commitment to improving noise outcomes for the Brisbane community, where safe and operationally feasible.

“We look forward to hearing the community’s feedback on these proposed changes which will help to reduce the impact of aircraft operations across Brisbane.”

About Airservices
Airservices Australia is the Federal Government-owned organisation responsible for the safe and efficient management of 11 per cent of the world’s airspace and the provision of aviation rescue fire fighting services at Australia’s busiest airports. We connect people with their world safely – linking family and friends, generating economic activity, creating jobs and facilitating trade and tourism.

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