( whirring winds sounds )
Like air
we’re everywhere.
Whenever you dare to dream
( footsteps on pavement )
( ding, ding, ding )
( piano starts )
or take a risk
( aircraft engine whirring )
we’re there.
( man: runway 2-7 clear for take off )
( aircraft engine starting up )
With jet fuel in our blood
( whoosh sound )
making it safe
( crowd cheering )
for you to chase new horizons
( footsteps on tiled floor, airport announcement )
( reverse cymbal sound, whoosh )
( stringed instruments playing mournfully )
Like air, we’re everywhere.
( airplane roaring )
( bushfire crackling )
( helicopter blades wapping )
On the front line.
( fire embers crackle )
( helicopter blades humming )
( aircraft engine sound increasing )
Out the back of beyond.
( drone propellors buzzing )
( texting clicks )
Behind your family reunion.
( older woman laughing )
( stirring staccato strings )
( whoosh sound )
Underpinning the economy.
( quick montage of airplane engine sounds )
Look up.
( stirring staccato strings )
Wherever you see blue or grey,
( wind whistling )
gold, pink or sparkles,
we’re there.
( man: (air traffic control call) … six, safe to land )
( man talking inaudibly in background )
Safely managing 51.7 million square kilometres of sky.
( camera shutter sound, cymbals rise and crash )
( sound of people marching on concrete )
11% of the world’s airspace.
That’s our world.
We’re there,
( high pressure water hitting metal )
( footsteps on concrete, fire crackling )
World class in our part of the world.
( water sound shooting from fire hose )
( aircraft engine booming )
Going above and beyond
( stirring strings )
to implement things not everyone notices.
( keyboard tapping )
Or talks about.
( stirring strings building, high piano chord )
Which is fine because sometimes we can’t.
( helicopter blades pulse )
But talk about an awesome responsibility.
( quiet, hopeful music )
As in big,
critically important, exciting.
( drone propellors whir )
And becoming ever more so as the future flies towards us.
( aircraft booms overhead )
( light footsteps running on grass )
Things are really about to take off.
( quick whoosh )
( constant stirring strings )
And though you still may never see us
know we’ll be there
all around you
lifting you up
( soft winds )
like air.