EmbraerX and Airservices Australia release Concept of Operations for Urban Air Mobility

Urban sky with air mobility vehicles in Melbourne

EmbraerX, Embraer’s disruptive business subsidiary, and Airservices, Australia’s civil air navigation service provider, have developed a new concept of operations (CONOPS) for the air taxi market, also known as urban air mobility (UAM). Going forward, Eve Urban Air Mobility Solutions, the new EmbraerX spin-off, will be responsible for this partnership with Airservices and for the development of Urban Air Traffic Management solutions.

Australia is one of the countries benefitting from this innovation revolution and is attracting industry interest and investment, largely due to strong government support and a world-leading aviation safety record. This CONOPS was created to help safely introduce and accelerate the growth of the UAM market in Australia.

“The creation of the UAM ecosystem requires innovative solutions, which is also a fundamental pillar of Embraer´s growth strategy for the coming years, and EmbraerX was built to address these needs,” said Daniel Moczydlower, President & CEO of EmbraerX. “Through this partnership, we are jointly embarking on the first steps toward Australia becoming one of the world’s first Urban Air Mobility markets.”

This CONOPS explores new and practical concepts to safely facilitate the introduction of the air taxi industry. Using the City of Melbourne, Australia as a model, the CONOPS examines how existing air traffic management solutions can initially enable UAM operations while simultaneously preparing for scale of operations through new traffic management technologies.

“This exciting initiative combines Airservices’ experience as the national airspace manager with the technical innovation of Embraer,” said Peter Curran, Chief Customer Experience and Strategy Officer at Airservices. “We have the responsibility of keeping our skies safe, and we are excited to leverage our significant expertise and operational capabilities in airspace management and partner with a global aviation expert to develop innovative solutions that ensure safe and equitable access to the urban airspace for a broad spectrum of aircraft, including conventional helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and eVTOL aircraft.”

The CONOPS leverages Airservices’ sophisticated simulation technology to demonstrate how air taxis could be integrated with existing airspace users in the highly complex Melbourne airspace. This level of simulation provides a scientific basis to the CONOPS.

David Rottblatt, Project Leader for EmbraerX’s Urban Air Traffic Management and appointed to be the future Vice President of Business Development for Eve said, “This CONOPS proposes a safe method for allowing the UAM industry in Australia to scale. Following this first critical step, we will start gathering feedback from industry stakeholders and the community to further inform how we can co-create this exciting future.”

To review the CONOPS in its entirety, visit https://embraerx.embraer.com/global/en/uatm. Additionally, you have the option to review the CONOPS and provide your feedback here: Urban Air Traffic Management Concept of Operations | Engage Airservices (airservicesaustralia.com).

Posted on: December 2, 2020

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