Airservices reiterates commitment to rural and regional Australia


Executive General Manager of Air Navigation Services, Peter Curran, has today outlined Airservices’ commitment to delivering the benefits of its world class air traffic network system to regional and rural Australia.

Speaking at the Regional Aviation Association of Australia (RAAA) National Conference on the Gold Coast, Mr Curran said that Airservices recognises that regional aviation has its own unique challenges.

“As we do our job at Airservices, we need to go beyond the big systemic capital expenditures and respond to specific, often very local requirements,” he said.

“We are doing more to make sure we hear and understand directly what you need from us, so that we can deliver for you. We want to play our part in making sure regional, rural and remote Australia is a thriving aspect of one of the world’s best air traffic networks.”

In this financial year Airservices has passed on a 2 per cent price reduction to customers, waived around $2.5 million in annual service charges for flying medical services and provided some cross-subsidies to better assist smaller airports.

In response to the pilot shortage, Airservices has also funded and supported 16 scholarships for young and emerging pilots.

Mr Curran detailed to the conference several of Airservices current major projects including upcoming digital aerodrome trials.

A digital aerodrome service allows controllers to manage traffic from a remote location by replicating the view they would have from a conventional tower using high definition cameras and surveillance sensors.

Mr Curran said he expects these services to be extremely positive for regional and rural Australia.

“It will be far more cost effective and efficient to put in a service at aerodromes that are currently unmanned,” he said.

Read the full speech here.

Posted on: October 30, 2019

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